x ray-protection-accessories
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Chest Tube:Chest Tube Size 26HB Machine Mission Plus Glucometer Machine NebulizersVaginal speculumStethoscopesSphygmomanometersProctoscopesPercussion HammersOtoscopesHead band and mirror sets Ear syringesBinocular loupes ECG Machines and accessoriesBP Machine-Blood pressure monitors Pulse oximeters Temporal forehead thermometersDiagnostic set MammographyUltrasound ScannersMagnetic resonance imagingX-Ray MachinesHematology analyzers.Clinical Laboratory IncubatorCell CounterClinical CentrifugeChromatographyElectrocardiographsThermometer,clinical,non-cntct,incl batStethoscope,foetal,PinardCTG monitor,with accessoriesECG recorder,portable,w/accessDoppler,FHR detector,w/accessScanner,ultrasound,mobile,w/accessStethoscope,binaural,completeSphygmomanometer,(child),aneroidSphygmomanometer,(adult),aneroidThermometer, clinical, digital, no LiURS-10T UrinalysisUristick 10 Parameter Urine Analysis StripsTrucut Biopsy NeedleTrucut Biopsy GunRespirometerPregnancy Test Strips On call strips Pack of 50 StripsOn call machine Omron AC AdaptorMuac TapeMobile Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
SterigrassSpinal Needle G 20 B.D.Specimen ContainerSeca 777 Scale Digital ColumnScalp Vein Set.Proline Mesh 15*15Post Mortem KitPolypots With LidPennine Nelaton Catheter 10CHP.E.GlovesOxygen TrolleyOxygen Flow MeterOxygen ConcentratorOtoscopeNurses WatchNelaton Catheter 14FGNebulisation MachineMindray VS600 Vital Signs MonitMicroscope Olympus CX 23 LEDMicroscope BinocularIV Cannula G 26IV Cannula G 16External Drainage CatheterE.T. Tube:E.T. Tube 8.0 CuffedE.T. Tube:E.T. Tube 8.5 CuffedE.T. Tube:E.T. Tube 7.0 CuffedE.T. TubeE.C.G ElectrodesDissecting KitDisposable GownCorrugated Rubber SheetColostomy BagClinical ThermometerCervical Collar Hard.Centrifuge MachineCentral Venous Catheter Double LumenBlood SolusetBlood LancetBlood giving setBlood Collection Needle G23Blood Collection Needle G21Blood BagsAutoclave TapeAutoclave Machine GaugeAutoclave Machine Electric3 Way Stopcock2019-nCOV Antigen TestPipetteNeuber ChamberLab TimerHot Air Oven Lab Rotating Stools Talley Counters Triple BalanceHaemocue HB Cuvettes Haemo Controls for HBDiaspect MachineOscillatorRoller mixer ShakerBiosafety Cabinet Clean Bench Drying OvenLiquid HandlingLab/Nitrogen Storage Tanks/ SystemLab Refrigerator Lab IncubatorsMicroplate WasherMicroplate readerMicroscopeAutoclaveCentrifugeHbA1c Analyzer Blood Gas AnalyserProtein Analyzer Immunoassay Analyzer Coagulation Analyzer Electrolytic AnalyzerUrine AnalyzerBiochemistry Analyzer Hematology Analyzer Watch glassSpring balance Spatula Wash bottlesBrushesTongsDropperVolumentric glassMagnifying glassBeakersGlasswaresWater Bath:Magnetic StirrersCentrifugesMicropipetteMedical AutoclaveImmunoassay AnalyzerUrine AnalyzerHaematology AnalyzerMicroscopeMicroscope Slides Normal Microscope Slide frosted. Microscope Omega 7Olympus CX 23 LED MicroscopeLactometerFreeze ThermometerDissecting Kit Centrifuge Machine ManualCentrifuge Machine ElectricAutoclave Machine Non-ElectricAutoclave Machine GaugeAutoclave Machine Electric
Cover SlipMicroscope SlideBlood Collection Tube 0.5mlBlood Collector Tube60ml Sputum Cup60ml Stool Container with spoon60ml Urine Container - Polypropylene60ml Urine ContainerPRP TubeVirucidal DisinfectantThymol GargleOmnicide Disinfectant 5LHibitanePovidone Iodine 3.6LSavlon LiquidLinimentSurgical Spirit - 5LE.T. Tube:E.T. Tube 6.5 CuffedAlcohol SwabFundus Camera Ophthalmic Scanners Anesthesia LaryngoscopeRefractometerSurgical HeadlightsSlit lamp Microscopes ENT Surgical Microscopes ENT Integrated UnitCarbo Fuchsin StrongNeutral redAcetonLugos of Iodine Crystal VioletGram Staining KitsDiluentsLab ReagentsOil-Immersion Cover SlipNormal SalineMulti-Drug Test 10 ParametersHIV Determine StripsBlood Grouping Kits Anti A,B & DTB CassetteHepatitis C Strips Hepatitis B StripsVDRL/Syphilis StripsPDT Strips PolypotsSalmonella Antigen Kits H.PyloryAntigen KitsH.Pylory Stips Urinalysis Strips Wire Loop and HandleMVA Kits Brucella Kit Rheumatoid Factor (RF Kit)WIDAL KitField Stain B Field Stain ALeishman StainAutoclave TapeApplicator SticksStaining Rack Rack RodCoupling Jar PlasticLens Cleaning TissuesWash Battles Water Bath Serological Measuring cylinders BeakersTourniquetsESR Tubes ESR StandsMicroscope SlidesStool ContainersUrine Containers Gauze rollsSterile H. VS SwabsPrickersVacutainersNeedlesSyringesCryo Boxes Cryo Pen/ Lab Permanent Markers Cryo Vials Centrifuge Tubes Test TubesStirrerThermocyclerPipette Tips15ml Conical TubeSample Container15ml Conical TubeDissecting ScissorsDissecting NeedleHVS SwabsMethylene BlueNitric AcidUrine Test StripsBlood BagsDouble blood bags Stool Container with Spoon Sterilization Wrap Blue Sterilization Crepe Paper SPITUM MUG Specimen Container Stock PartCover slipsCellular 45"*72" WhiteCelestine tube Autoclave TapeApplicator Stick
Closed Suction SystemEndoscopic MouthpieceMucus extractorGuedel AirwaysLaryngeal MasksSuction cathetersBerman AirwaysEndotracheal Tubes. Nasal preformedTracheostomy tubes PVCTracheostomy Tubes Suction-PlusEndotracheal tubesVenturi MasksHigh-flow Oxygen Non re-breather MaskInflatable Anesthesia Face MasksSEBS ResuscitatorSilicone ResuscitatorsPVC ResuscitatorCPR MaskOxygen Masks, Low FlowNasal ProngsNasal Oxygen CannulaPhilips Oxygen Concentrator (Portable)Oxygen Regulator (Piston Type)Oxygen Regulator (Click Type)Oxygen Flowmeter (Slim & Dial Type)Medical Oxygen Twin Flow MeterOxygen Flowmeter (Constant Type)Oxygen CylindersNIV Face MasksRectal CatheterOxygen MaskAmbu Bag MaskBlood Grouping Tiles Photometer,HemoCue Glucose 201+/SETMicrocuvette,for Glucose 201+/BOX-100High flow nasal cannula Patient monitor Mechanical ventilator Pulse oximeter Oxygen regulators Nebulizers CPAP TubingCPAP Mask WipesHome Oxygen ConcentratorPortable oxygen cylinderSuction machineRespiratory rate timerARI Respiratory timerPortable ventilator MachineAmbulance ventilator MachineNasal ett cuff 5,6.5Ambu bags adult pead infantAmbu Bag RubberSuction Machine Manual Suction Machine FiltersSuction Machine Electric Silicone Mask AutoclavableReinforced Breathing Circuit Ad Rebreathing BagParticulate Respirator N95 Mask Oxygen MaskOxygen Flow MeterOxygen TrolleyOxygen non breathing maskOxygen MaskOxygen Concentrator One Bottle Suction Machine Nebulisation Mask Nebulisation MachineNasel Oxygen CannulaHydrobag (Bacteria Filter)E.t Tube UncuffedE.T. Tube CuffedCatheter MountAmbu Bag (Silicone)Ambu Bag (Rubber)Ambu Mask (Silicone)
Craniotomy Major SetCraniotomy Set Cataract EYE Surgical SetMajor Orthopedic Instruments Set Hibbu Oesteotome 6mm Lowman Bone Holder MedLambote Bone HolderKern Bone holder With Rached Ruskin Bone Cutting ForcepsFrazier Suction TubeSteel Ruler Scale Walkman Retractor SPONGE HOLDING FORCEPS Straight Serrated 25cm Muller Retractor Sharp 16cmYUNKER Suction Tube 27cmVolkmann Bone CURETTE 17CM METZENBAUM-Nelson Dissecting Forceps Curved 18cmMC INDOE Dressing Forceps Desmarres Retractor 16cm 12mmProbe Double Ended 18cm 1.5mmVolkmann’s Retractor Sharp 4 Teeth 21.5cmLahey Kidney Pedicle And Gull Duct Forceps 19cms Volkmann's Retractor Blunt 4 Teeth 21.5cmMC Donald Dissector Double Ended 19cmHalsted-Mosquito Homeostatic Forceps Curved 12.5 CmAllisintestinal Gasping Forceps 15 Cm Waugh Tissue Forceps 20cm NON TOOTHED Waugh Tissue Forceps 20cm TOOTHED Deaver Retractor 23cm 25mm Crile- Rankin Homeostatic Forceps Curved 18cmRichardson Retractor 24cm 36x28mmRochester-PEAN Homeostatic ForcepsDenis Brown Retractor With 4 Detachable Blades Frazier Suction Tube 7" With Stylet Lister Urethral Sound Size 29(SET) Penny Barker Forceps 6½" (Toothed Dissecting) Chisel Size 3/8 Osteotome Size 9 Mallet Small Devers Retractor Small Blade 12" Kocher Langernbeck Retractors 10"Little Wood Tissue Forceps 7" Chances Artery Forceps C.O.F 7"Johnson Catch (Trever) Dissecting Forceps 11"Canadian Dissecting Forceps Non Toothed 10½" Canadian Dissecting Forceps Toothed 10½"Adson Dissecting Forceps Non - Toothed6" Crile Wood Needle Holder Gold Plated 7" Aufreight Scissor C.O.F 5½" Careless Ligature Scissor Straight 5" Careless Ligature Scissor Straight 6" Mcindoes Scissor Straight 7" Bard Parker Handle No.4 Urethral Boogies Set Saw Giggly Wire 50cm. Saw Giggly Handle Impairs.Forcep Bone Cut Liston/11cm Standard StraightRongeur Bone 18 Cm X10 Heavy Pattern Curette Bone Volkmann 22cm Double Ended File Bone 22cmx20mm FlatRasparatory Farabery 150 X 13mm Light Curved Sharp Retractor Volkmann 22cm 4 Blunt 10mm CurvedScalpel Handle N04Antrum Curette No.5 Allis Coakey Tonsil ForcepsStitch Removal ScissorsWiener Antrum RaspOssicle Holding ClampWiener Antrum Weitlaner RetractorTuning Fork Knight Nasal ScissorLucae Ear Dressing ForcepsHartman Ear Forceps (2x5mm).Hartman Ear Speculum (Round) Flazier Suction Tub Blade Holder Size 3 Yiena Nasal SpeculumJansen Cutting ForcepGrass Edom Hook • Spoon 4 Curette Dull (Slightly Edged). Cottle's Septum ElevatoDeluxe Laryngeal Mir Rangel Dissecting Scissors Straight 5"Adson Brown Tissue Forceps 7x7 Teeth Side Grasping 4 3/4"Kelly Haemostatic Forceps 5 1/2" CurvedCrile Rankin Haemostatic Forceps Curved 6 1/4"Iris Scissors Straight 4 1/2" - Sharp Tips Webster Needle Holder 4 3/4" Smooth Jaws - Tungsten Carbide Jansen Mastoid Retractor 3x3th Blunt 3 1/4"Senn Miller Retractor 3 Prongs Sharp 6 1/4"Weitlaner Retractor 2x3 Teeth 4"BluntFerguson Frazier Suction Tube 9 FrJoseph Hook Sharp Single Prong 6" 1/2 Joseph Double Prong Skin Hook 6" 2mm WideAllis Tissue Forceps 4x5 Teeth 6" Gemini Mixter 5 1/2" Delicate Full Curved Jaws Clip Applicator Curved Scalpel For DVC IncisionRight Angle Babcock's Curved Needle Holder Right Angle Holder Needle Holder Prostate Apical Retractor Bladder Neck Retractor Hook, Skin, Gilles Handle, Blade, Skin Graft Blade, Skin Graft, Rocket, DisposableUterine Dilator Hager Set Of 14pcs 4mm - 17mm Uterine Polypus Forceps Noto 27cmFemale Catheter Fritsch 10mm Volkmann Uterine Curettes 13cmHeywood Smith Ovum Forcep 25.5cmUterine Curettes SharpUterine Curettes BluntVaginal Sims Speculum MediumUterine Sound Vullesellum Museux 24cm Curved 6mm Backhaus Towel Clip Sponge Holding Forceps StraightBowl Medium Backhaus Towel Clamp 11cm Dissecting Forceps Non-Toothed TOE 14CMDissecting Forceps Toothed 1x2 14cmThumb Dressing 20cmThumb Dressing 14cmStraight Mayo 23cm Curved Operating Mayo 17cm Straight Operating Mayo 17cmNeedle Holder 18cmDoyen Retractor 25cmDouble Ended Richardson 26cmMorris Retractor 100mm Surgical Knife Handle No 4 Surgical Knife Handle No 3 Artery Forceps Kocher Curved 18cmGreen Armitage Forceps 21cmForester Sponge Holding Forceps straight 25cmArtery Forceps Spencer wells Straight 15cmArtery Forceps Spencer wells Straight 12.5cm.Artery Forceps Spencer wells Curved 15cm.Tissue Dissecting Forceps 1X2 18cmInstrument TrayMayo Hager Needle Holder 18cm Instrument Tray 18 X 12 X 2.5Lane Intestinal Clamp Twin 30cmProbe 18cmYankuer Suction NozzleLangenbeck Retractor 21cm 30x16mmDoyens RetractorMorris Double Ended Retractor Balfour RetractorBlade Holder No 4Blade Holder No 3 Hal. Mosquito 12.5cm Curved Toothed Hal. Mosquito 12.5cm Straight ToothedHal. Mosquito 12.5cm Curved PlainHal. Mosquito 12.5cm Straight PlainArtery Kocher 15cm Curved Artery Kocher 15cm Straight Spencer Wells Artery Forceps 18cm CurvedSpencer Wells Artery Forceps 18cm Straight Metzenbaum Scissors Curved 18cmTissue Dissecting 18cm English TOE PlainTissue Dissecting Plain TOE 1x2 16cm Tissue Dissecting Plain TOE 1x2 18cm Allis Tissue 15cm 4x5 Toothed ClippedBabcock Intestinal Forceps 18cmLittlewoods Intestinal Forceps 2X3 19cmRampley Sponge Holding Forcep 25cm Curved Instrument TrayAlligator ForcepsBp Handle Size 4 Vullsellum Forceps Cusco’s SpeculumDressing Scissors Str '5 Uterine Sounds Sponge Holding Forcep Mosquito Forceps "5 Cord Scissors Artery Forcep Cvd '6 Surgical Scissors Cvd '5.5Surgical Scissors Str '5.5Episiotomy Scissors '6 Needle Holder '6 Gallipot MediumInstrument Tray 8.0x10.0 Sponge Holder ForcepMayo Scissors '5.5 Kidney Dish ‘6 Dissecting Forcep Plain '5.5 Dissecting Forcep Tooth '5.5Mosquito Forcep Straight '5Mayo Scissor '5.5Stitch Scissor '6 Needle Holder '6Artery Forcep Str 6 Kidney Dish ‘6 Bp Holder Size 4 Instrument Tray 8x10" Dissecting Tooth '5.5 Gallipot Small Metzenbaum Cvd '7 Metzenbaum '6 Adson Plain '6 Suture Scissor '5.5 Artery Forceps Cvd '6 Artery Forceps Str '6Artery Forceps Str '6 Mosquito Forceps Cvd '6 Mosquito Forceps Str '6Spinal Surgery SetLiver Transplant Surgery InstrumentsKidney Transplant SetCardiac Surgical Instrument SetENT Clinical SetGrommet SetVaricose Vein Stripper SetTracheostomy SetTonsillectomy SetMyringotomy SetForeign Body Ear/Nose SetUrology SetGeneral Thoracic SetCholecystectomy SetIncision And Excisional BiopsyCut Down Adult SetCatheterization SetBladder Washout SetVVF SetGeneral Hysterectomy SetBasic Thyroidectomy SetChalazion Eye Surgery SetGlaucoma Eye Surgery Set Craniotomy Major SetCraniotomy SetCataract EYE Surgical SetMajor Orthopaedic Instruments SetBasic Standard Orthopaedic Set Urology Major SetUrology Basic Standard Set Amputation Set ENT Surgical Set Plastic Surgery Prostatectomy Set Skin Graft Surgical SetPost-mortem Surgical SetD & C Surgical Set Major Cesarion SetMAJOR GENERAL SURGICAL SETIUD SURGICAL SET MINOR DELIVERY SURGICAL SETDRESSING SURGICAL SETStitching SetCircumcision Set
Forcepts JarElectrosurgical UnitSterilizing Dressing DrumsCurved Metzenbaum ScissorsArmytage ForcepsStraight Kocher ForceptsBlood Administration Set6 Parameters Patient MonitorGastrostomy Feeding TubeUterine Tenaculum ForcepsIris ScissorsManual Hand-Operated Suction MachineManual Suction MachineOvum ForcepsStraight Mosquito ForcepsStailess Steel Instrument trayHME Bacterial FilterCurved Kocher ForcepsCurved Mosquito ForceptsSemi-Automatic Biopsy GunAutomatic Biopsy GunStraight Metzenbaum ScissorsTwo Bottles Electric Suction MachineCurved Mayo ScissorsSponge Holding ForcepsStainless Steel GallipotSyringe Infusion PumpInfusion PumpSingle Bottle Suction MachineKidney DishSurgical Instrument Sets / KitsTheater scrubbing sink Diathermy MachineOxygen generators DefibrillatorsPendantsElectric pneumatic tourniquet Electrosurgical unit Operating Light / LampsRespirators /Ventilators Electric Dermatome Suction Units Patient monitorsElectric bone saw / drills Syringe and InfusionAnesthesia machinesSurgical Powder Free Gloves (Sterile)Skin Grafting BladesHospital Surgical BladesSurgical GauzeTracheostomy TubeWhite Theatre BootsDisposable surgical gownsReusable surgical gownsSurgical DrapesOperating TableSkin Grafting BladeRomovac SetProline Mesh Plaster Cutting Saw (Hand-saw)Operation room equipment setsOperating TableMacintosh PillowMacintosh Apron MacintoshExamination Stool Examination Light
Ultrasound Thermal Papers Fetal and Maternal monitor Cardiology IV Littman StethoscopeColor Doppler Ultrasound MachineB/W Ultrasound Machine Color Doppler Ultrasound Scanner, Laptop, US-HCL5Ultrasound Machine, Black & White, US-HS50AVeterinary Ultrasound Imaging Diagnostic Instrument, US-S0Trolley Color Doppler Ultrasound System, US-C30DFetal Monitor (Cardiotograph) AML-900EECG Machine, - EDAN F12ECG Machine - MEDITECH 12 CHANEL Machine - MEDITECH 6 CHANELPortable Ultrasound machine E20 with three probes ; linear,convex and TvsPoint of Care UltraSound (POCUS)Ultrasound Machine Ultra Sound Gel
Baby ScalePatient step stoolsResuscitaireInfant Radiant Warmers Infant Phototherapy Units Transport IncubatorsInfant Radiant Warmer Fetal DopplerInfant Incubators Transport Incubators ResuscitaireFetal Maternal Monitor Baby Incubator Air/Humidity/Skin Temp/Cabinet BB- 200 Baby Bed/Crib (AM40) Basinnet Infant/Children Bed Stainless Steel (AM39) Bedsheets for baby cots (PairCellular Hospital Blankets Infant 130*90 cmRoom HeaterUmblical Cord LigatureUmbilical Cord ScissorsUmbilical Cord Clamp Sanitary NapkinsRyles Tube FG 16Re-usable Colostomy BagMeasuring Board Infant WoodenMaternity Pad Maternity Belt Gastrostomy Tube FR24 Gastrostomy Tube FR18Fetoscope PlasticFetoscope MetalFetal DopplerDelivery Bed Cellular BlanketBreast PumpBaby Scale ManualBaby Scale Digital
Delivery BedSpeculumsGynecology ElectrocauteryInfant Bilirubinometer Mastopathy treatment MachineFetal and Maternal monitor Video ColposcopeUterine Manupulators NST Machine Pessaries Fetal DopplerRetractorsCurettesDilatorColposcopeForcepsSpeculumInfant Radiant WarmerBaby IncubatorBaby ScaleBaby CribLabor Delivery Recovery (LDR) BedBirthing BedUltrasound MachineColposcopeFetal MonitorGynecological Examination TableM.V.A kit Double Gynaecology Gloves
Portable X-Ray MachineElbow SupportFilm dryer FluoroscopyC-arm X-ray Machine Mobile X-ray Machine 300MA X-Ray Machine500MA X-ray MachineMobile Digital X-Ray MachineDR SystemFluoroscopyX-Ray Mammography Machines MRI Magnetic ResonanceMobile X-Ray Machine X-ray Viewer Single Model Standard (27x20x6)X-ray Viewer DoubleDMP-200 Series HV Generator DMP-100RF Series HV Generator DMP-300 X-RAY GeneratorDMP-100 Series HV GeneratorMi DREmer DRNeo DRMobile CooperMobile SparklerMobileGeniusX-ray Viewer PD-FA Fixed Luminace Stock PartPortable X-Ray Machine
Abdominal SwabsMRI Non-magnetic X-ray generator X-ray tablesFilm hangers Film ViewersX-ray dosimeters Chest standsX-Ray film viewerHSG setX-Ray Intensifying Screen Lead Sheets X-Ray Cassettes X-Ray Dark Room Safelight X-ray Dosimeter X-Ray Film Developing Solution X-Ray Film HangersX-Ray Film Storage BoxX-Ray GauzeSony Paper
Hospital Bed SheetsElectric Operating TableMayo TrolleyPatient Monitor StandThree Section Delivery BedAdjustable Obstetric Delivery BedDelivery BedHydraulic Delivery Bed with SiderailHydraulic Delivery BedThree Shelves Stainless Steel Medicine TrolleyDressing TrolleyOver-the-Bed Feeding TableLinen TrolleyHospital Bedside LockerExamination CouchTwo Crank Manual Patient BedManual hospital ICU bedHospital Iron BedSimple Crank Metal hospital BedElectric hospital bed 5 functionsFully Electric Hospital Bed Height AdjustableManual Pediatric BedTwo Crank Medical Pediatric Bed For KidsTwo Function Manual Pediatric Hospital BedWardscreenStandard Hospital Bed Ripple Mattress Stock PartPillow Case Patient TrolleyMattressDrip Stand
2 Person Standing FrameStanding FrameShoulder immobilizerHernia Support BeltPediatric Cervical CollarBalance BoardLumbo Sacral CorsetFinger Cot SplintThumb Spica SplintLumbo Sacral BeltCervical CollarCast ShoeArm Sling PouchArm SlingFinger Extension SplintSqueeze BallWrist SupportFoot arch correctorOrthopedic Silicone Gel Heel CapsOrthopaedic Silicon InsoleAnkle WrapAnkle SupportStirrup Ankle BraceAnkle BinderOrthopedic PillowKnee Compression StockingsParallel Walking BarsWall BarKnee BraceElbow Crutches STDClavicle SupportAnkle SupportIntelligent Induction Posture CorrectorThumb Spica SplintAluminium Adjustable CrutchesCervical CollarFinger CotKinesiology TapeCervical Traction UnitTENS MachineAnkle SupportArm SlingFour Crank Medical Hospital BedWrist SupportWrist Brace Tubigrip Full LegTubigrip Below Knee Thumb Splint Thoraco Lumber CorsetThigh Support Hot Water Bag With CoverHot Water Bag Plain Hot & Cold Pack Exercise Ball Arm SlingAbdominal Belt
Lightwheight Aluminium WheelchairHeavyduty Manual WheelchairExtra Wide WheelchairElectric Mobility ScooterHigh Back WheelchairElectric Foldable WheelchairCerebral Palsy Wheelchair - AdultChildren Wheelchair - Cerebral Palsy WheelchairCerebral Palsy Wheelchair - PediatricExtra Wide Rollator Walker3 Wheels RollatorElectric Wheelchair
Dental Needles - ShortDental needles - LongDental CartridgePortable X-ray Machine Digital X-ray MachineSuction Machine Apex locaterEndo motorDental AutoclaveDental Film ProcessorUltrasonic ScalersDental X-ray Unit Digital dental sensor PanoramicDental chairs Endodontic measuring gaugeHandpiece spray-500mlSterilising Pouches ( Inches 9 X 3 1/2 )Stainless Steel Dental CabinetCapsule Dispenser GunComposite Polishing KitCrown RemoverDental CartridgeDental needlesTungsten BursKavo Spray ( Nozzle ) Dental Needles - ShortDental CartridgeCrown RemoveComposite Polishing Kit
Four Hooks IV StandStainless Steel Baby BassinetBlood Pressure Monitor TrolleyLarge Oxygen TrolleyOxygen Trolley4 Fold Ward ScreenMedicine TrolleyLarge Stainless Steel Linen TrolleySitz BathMedical Lab Table3 Tier Lab TrolleyDisposable UnderpadNewborn ID setPatient Identification BraceletsStandard dressing NO 16Silicon Heel CupSilicon Full InsoleRomovac SetRebreathing Bag 1 LitrePure Silicone CathetersPlastipak Syringe 1 MLNitrile GlovesMicropore TapeMaternity BeltLeukomed 10*20LactometerGudeal AirwaysGastrostomy Tube FR24Gastrostomy Tube FR18Freeze ThermometerFolleys Catheter 2 WayFetoscope PlasticFetal DopplerFemale Catheter FG 16Female CatheterFeeding TubeFace Mask 2 PlyFace Mask 1 PlyEnema KitElectronic Weight Balance OhausEar Syringe RubberEar Syringe MetalDrip StandDisposable SpeculumDisposable Body BagDisposable AppronDigital HygrometerCover slipsCotton WoolCotton BallsCompression StockingsComposite Polishing KitClear Tape:Clear Tape 2"Clear Tape:Clear Tape 1"Clear TapeChest Tube:Chest Tube Size 32Chest Tube:Chest Tube Size 30Chest Tube:Chest Tube Size 28Chest Tube:Chest Tube Size 22Chest Tube:Chest Tube Size 22Chest Tube:Chest Tube Size 20Chest Tube:Chest Tube Size 18Chest Tube:Chest Tube Size 16Chest Drainage Bottle IndiaChest Drainage Bottle IndiaChest drainageCatheter MountC.P.R. Mouth PieceBreast PumpBP wrist digitalBP ValveBP Mercury RiesterBP Machine Omron M1 BasicBP Machine Omron Digital EcoBP Machine MercuryBP DialBP CuffBP BulbBin BagsBedside LockersBed Pan.Bathroom ScaleApplicator StickAluminium RollatorEnama KitMVA kit CommodePdt testMindray z60SolusetCasarean Section Set Diathermy MachinePolypotsPrickersBaby CradleAdjustable Bedside TableBed Side Locker Membrane Press TopPlain Bed with Conventional HeadBEDPAN WASHERPartitioning drapesStretchersIV Stands PENDANTSVacuum Extractor ManualIdentity BandBedside LockersBed Pan Stainless SteelBed Pan Plastic
Basket StretcherSpinal BoardScoop StretcherExtrication DeviceVacuum MattressVacuum SplintCPR Face ShieldsReusable Pressure Infusion BagFoldable Aluminium Emergency StretcherAluminium Emergency Transfer StretcherAdjustable Strecher/WheelchairHead ImmobilizerPatient TrolleyFoldable Wheeled Ambulance StretcherAmbulance CollarAmbulance VehicleOrthopaedic BandageGauze rollFeeding Tube:Feeding Tube FG 6Crown RemoverCrepe Bandage 2"Commode Wheelchair FoldableCommode Chair Without WheelCommode Chair With Small WheelChest Tube:Chest Tube Size 24Adult DiaperSuction UnitSterillizerStretcher Trolley Resuscitation Bags Automated external defibrillatorBandageSyringe PumpAntisepticGlucose meterMovable full fowler bedCar First Aid Kit - PSV CompliantLarge Empty First Aid BoxFirst Aid Bag EmptyTrauma BagTourniquet, Elastic with ClipGuedel Airway SetDisposable Guedel AirwayPediatric Guedel AirwayDisposable Body BagGynaecology GlovesTriangular BandageTourniquetStretcher with Trolly Stretcher Folding Spine Board With BeltGudeal Airways 0 Black Emergency BlanketCanvas Stretcher
Hemocitric 50Acid ConcentrateHemodialysis Bicarbonate CatridgeHemodialysis Dressing SetTransducer ProtectorHemodialysis Machine - Surdial 55Plus, NIPROHemocleanDialysis bloodlineNipro Dialiser, High FluxNipro Dialiser, Middle FluxNipro Dialiser, Low FluxColor-Coded AV Fistula NeedlesFistula NeedlesNipro dialyzerDialysis MachineDialysis ChairBlood Glucose Test StripsPregnancy Test StripsFistula NeedlesNipro dialyzerDialysis ChairNipro Dialiser, Low FluxNipro Diaiser, Medium FluxNipro Diaiser, High FluxFistula Needle, G16, G17Dialysis bloodlineBicarbonate CatridgeAcid Concentrate
Dental Needles - ShortDental needles - LongDental CartridgePortable X-ray Machine Digital X-ray MachineSuction Machine Apex locaterEndo motorDental AutoclaveDental Film ProcessorUltrasonic ScalersDental X-ray Unit Digital dental sensor PanoramicDental chairs Endodontic measuring gaugeHandpiece spray-500mlSterilising Pouches ( Inches 9 X 3 1/2 )Stainless Steel Dental CabinetCapsule Dispenser GunComposite Polishing KitCrown RemoverDental CartridgeDental needlesTungsten BursKavo Spray ( Nozzle ) Dental Needles - ShortDental CartridgeCrown RemoveComposite Polishing Kit
Syringe Nasal adapter Compression Pump Intravenous therapy Feeding tubeCentral lineBreathing Tubes Syringe Nasal AdaptorNasogastric intubation Stretcher EKG MachineNeonatal Intensive Care IncubatorOver Bed TableOxygen RegulatorECG Electrodes Pre-Gelled - AdultIV CannulaFeeding TubeInfant Feeding TubeFoley CatheterNasal CannulaNasal ProngsDental X Ray Films
Stainless Steel Bucket BinDisposable Self Sealing Sterilization PouchesUV Disinfection BoxTissue DispenserAutomatic Hand DryerUrinal MatsAutoclave 18LManual Sanitizer Soap DispenserAutomatic Sanitizer Soap DispenserTrolley BucketHousekeeping TrolleyJanitor CartPressure Sprayer 8LSprayer 16L & 20LAquatabAquatabls, 10 pcsAquatabs, Carton of 32,000 pcsDisposable UnderpadSureplastSteranios 2% NG 5L Safety BoxOrange stickNail brushMultipurpose SoapMultipurpose Liquid DispenserMultipurpose Liquid Detergent MedispreadKitchen TowelHand washHand SanitizerGreen Towel Everfresh Handwash Everfresh Hand Sanitizer Ear PlugsDisinfectant Liquid Bin Bags
Plastic ApronSterile Surgical GownIsolation GownDisposable Medical Shoe CoversSurgeon capBouffant CapClip CapsShoe CoversDust maskChild Face MasksDisposable protective suit with sealed seamsDisposable protective suitKN95 Filtering Facial Respirator MasksSurgical CapGynaecology GlovesFace ShieldDust Mask N95Doctors CapsTheatre Goggles Theatre ClogsTheater BootsSurgeon Masks TieSterile GlovesSafety GogglesPPE KIT P.E.GlovesNurses Cap Nitrile GlovesLatex Gloves Powder FreeLatex Examination GlovesLab Coat Industrial Gloves Green Gown Re-usable Cotton Face ShieldFace Mask Loop 3 Ply Face Mask KN95Face Mask KF94Face Mask 3 Ply Tie OnFace Mask 2 PlyFace Mask 1 Ply Dust Mask N95 Dust MaskDust Coat Doctors CapsDisposable Shoe Covers P/EDisposable Gown: Sterile Disposable Gown Disposable Gown: Non Sterile Disposable Disposable Apron Ankle Support
Portable slit lampDigital Acuity ChartManual Recline Exam ChairAuto Recline Exam ChairOphthalmic Instrument StandVisual Field AnalyzerRefractometer, Keratometer and Topographer UnitMulti Function Auto Eye testing InstrumentDigital TonometerIOL Master 500 with TableWired Indirect Ophthalmoscope w/wall PackBinocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope WirelessDry Eye AnalyzerDry Eye Treatment EyemaskAutomatic Fundus CameraDigital Retinal CamerasDiagnostic LensesAspheric LensIridectomy Laser LensPhaco UnitsPachymetersOperating Microscopes Visual Acuity ChartA B Scan unitsNon Mydriatic Fundus CameraVitrectomy UnitsLaser UnitsSlit LampsRefractometer UnitOCT Machine
Rollator WalkerRipple mattressBlind caneCommode WheelchairComode ChairShower ChairDeluxe Handling BeltUniversal Deluxe Disposable Sling with LoopsT Bar CrutchEvolution Crutches Tiki CrutchesChild's Elbow CrutchesElbow Crutch Double Adjustable Plastic HandleL&R Cellona ShoeRubber Tip For 43100-2, 43110,43115 CrutchesAluminium Walking Stick - BlackWalking Stick TripodWalking Stick Quadruped Walking Stick Blind Walking Stick Walking Frame Without WheelWalking frame with wheelUnderarm Crutches Silicon Heel CupSilicon Full InsoleRubber tips Pediatric Wheelchair Elbow Support LargeElbow Crutches STD PAIR Commode Wheelchair FoldableCommode Chair Without WheelCommode Chair With Small WheelAluminium Rollator
Nurse StoolStainless Steel Revolving StoolNeurological Reflex Hammer SetInfrared Light Therapy LampLittmann Stethoscope CaseCotton WoolSurgical Sterile GloveNitrile Glove Powder FreeLatex Examination Gloves Blood Glucose Monitor KitMedical Weighing Scales for AdultsBaby Weighing ScalesClinical Infrared ThermometerDigital Clinical ThermometerClinical ThermometerBlood Pressure MonitorAneroid Sphygmomanometer3M™ Littmann® Master Cardiology™ Stethoscope3M™ Littmann® Classic II Pediatric Stethoscope3M Littmann Classic III StethoscopeDigital GoniometerGoniometerPortable Medical Handheld Infrared Vein FinderVein FinderHandheld Pulse Oximeter for Adults and ChildrenHandheld Pulse OximeterTwo-Step Step StoolHospital Stepping StoolExamination Pen TorchPen TorchStainless Steel Scalpel HandleSterile Scalpel Surgical BladeReusable Biopsy GunSemi-Automatic Biopsy GunAutomatic biopsy gun, all sizesBiopsy guns and needlesSharp object container 1ltr, 5ltrs and 8ltrs
Stethoscope MDF 747Stethoscope ChinaMicrofine Needles Plus 30G BDEar PlugsDisposable NeedleDiscardit II Disposable 20 ML WDigital ThermometerZinc Oxide PlasterWOW BandagesWall Thermometer SmallWall Thermometer VP Shunt Chabra SH202Vacutainer TubeUrine CollectorUrine BagsUrinal PlasticUrinal MetalUridomTwin Irrigation Set Transpore TapeTracheostomy TubeTongue Depressor WoodenTegaderm DressingSyringe 60ML Long NozzleSyringeSurgical Patties Surgical Drapes Surgical BladeSuction CatheterSuction Bottle Stop Watch Stethoscope MDF 767 Stethoscope MDF 747 Stock PartStethoscope Littmann PediatricStethoscope Littman Classic 3 Stethoscope Littman Classic 2 Stethoscope KonicaStethoscope Ear PieceStethoscope China Steritulle Anhydrous Lanolin Sterile Gauze SwabsSterile Eye PadSterigrassStandard dressingSpinal NeedleSoluset PCSoloshot 0.05 ml Skin Traction Kit Simplastic CatheterSilicone TubeSeca 874 Flat Scale ElectronicSeca 777 Scale Digital Column Scalpel Disposable BladesScalp Vein SetSafety Pin Stock PartRubber Band Rectal CatheterQuipore Pure Silicone Catheters Pulse OximeterPost Mortem KitPOP GypsonaPOP Cuter Electric Polypots With Lid Plastipak Syringe 1 MLPennine Nelaton Catheter Pen TorchPediatric E.C.G ElectrodesParaffin GauzePaper Tape Orthopedic BandageNurses Watch Nelaton CathetersNelaton Catheter 14FG N/S Gauze SwabsMucus extractorMindray VS600 Vital Signs Monit Microscope BinocularMicropore TapeMicrofine syringe Microfine NeedlesMedicine TrolleyMedical Envelopes Brown Medical Envelopes - 4*6 Masking TapeMarkerLumber CorsetLinen TrolleyLeukomed Knee SupportKnee BraceIV CannulaInsulin Syringe 1ML China Infrared ThermometerI.V. Giving Set Hospital Bed With Mattress Height Meter Floor Type Height & Weight ScaleHandheld Pulse Oximeter Gauze roll Folleys Catheter 3 WayFolleys Catheter 2 Way First Aid Industrial Kit Wall M FS-055First Aid Box Small F3 First Aid Box Big F2 Finger Splint Female Catheter Feeding Tube FGExternal Drainage Catheter SH034Examination Couch Foldable Enema Kit Electronic Weight Balance Ohaus Ear Syringe RubberEar Syringe Metal E.C.G Electrodes Adult Disposable UnderpadDisposable Speculum Disposable NeedleDisposable Dressing SetDisposable Body BagDiscardit II Disposable 20 ML W Digital Thermometer Digital HygrometerCrepe BandageCotton woolCotton BallsCorrugated Rubber Sheet Compression Stocking F/LCompression Stocking B/KColostomy Bag Medium Colostomy Bag ( COLOBAG ) LargeClinical Thermometer Clear Tape 3Clear Tape 2Clear Tape 1Clavicle SupportChest TubeChest Drainage Bottle India Chest Drainage bottle china Cervical Collar Philadelphia Large 45cm - 52cm Cervical Collar Hard. Central Venous Catheter Triple LumenCentral Venous Catheter Double LumenCaustic Pencil 95%Caustic PencilBP wrist digitalBP ValveBP Mercury RiesterBP Machine Omron M6BP Machine Omron M3BP Machine Omron M2BP Machine Omron M1 and M2 BasicBP Machine Omron Digital EcoBP Machine MercuryBP Machine AneroidBP DialBP CuffBP BulbBlood SolusetBlood LancetBlood Giving SetBlood Collection NeedleBlood BagsBathroom Scale ManualBathroom Scale DigitalAlcohol SwabAdult DiaperAbdominal Swabs3 Way Stopcock2019-nCOV Antigen Test